『邀请函』2020碳标签年会暨颁授典礼 向全世界发出邀请






主办单位: 中国碳标签产业创新联盟











会议规模 :400人

国务院及各省市有关行政管理部门领导  10%

科研机构、专家  10%

联盟成员及合作机构  40%

大使参赞、国际专家及外企嘉宾 20%

特邀企业嘉宾  20%




















第四部分: 签约仪式及颁授典礼








郭树言 十届全国人大财政经济委员会副主任委员、国务院三峡办原主任、中国低碳经济发展促进会主席

李肇星 前中国外交部部长      

蒋明麟 中国国务院参事、国务院参事室原副主任  

费维扬 中国科学院院士、清华大学教授、中国低碳经济发展促进会第一届理事会理事长

张宝欣 原国务院三峡工程建设委员会办公室党组成员

赵忠秀 中国碳标签产业创新联盟理事长、山东财经大学校长

蒋庆哲 对外经济贸易大学党委书记

尤  勇 工信部节能与综合利用司副司长

单立波 工信部中小企业发展促进中心主任

蒋兆理 生态环境部应对气候变化司副司长

杨尚宝 民建中央常委、环资委副主任、国家发展和改革委员会环资司综合利用处处长  

周凤起 国家发展和改革委员会能源所高级顾问 原所长 前中国低碳经济发展促进会常务副理事长

彭近新 生态环境部科技委员会委员、原政策法规司司长

黄建忠 中国电子节能技术协会理事长

王  昆 中国消费品质量安全促进会秘书长

郝  欣 国家市场监督管理总局认证监管司副处长

董秀成 中国国际低碳经济研究所执行所长

于  洁 国家低碳认证技术委员会秘书长、中国质量认证中心处长

张  跃 远大科技集团总裁

苗  青 英利集团副董事长

龚  勋 联想集团全球环境标准部主任


Friedrich Stift   博士、奥地利驻华大使

Jens Hofmann      德国驻华大使馆科技参赞

戴文德            联合国开发计划署驻华副代表

Vanessa Pérez-Cirera  世界自然基金会气候与能源全球副秘书长



Dear ladies and gentlemen

Climate change is a common challenge for human society, and it is a serious challenge for the whole world. The adverse effects of climate change mitigation have become a global consensus. After the signing of the Paris Agreement, all countries have put forward their own strategies to actively cope with the challenge of climate change. It is very important to implement "China's response to climate change", build a global low-carbon consumption and low-carbon trade platform, accelerate the application and demonstration of carbon labels, and provide the most innovative and effective low-carbon solutions and products for national enterprises and local governments. In order to realize the above plan as soon as possible, China Low Carbon Economic Development Promotion Association and China carbon label industry innovation alliance are scheduled to jointly host the 2020 carbon label annual meeting and the award ceremony of low carbon Pioneer Award in Beijing on January 9, 2020.

The theme of this annual meeting is "green consumption, green production and low carbon economy" At that time, more than 200 Chinese and foreign high-level decision makers, entrepreneurs, industry experts and scholars will be invited to attend the meeting to discuss low-carbon economy and sustainable development in terms of technology, standards, policies, academic and business values, and conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges on issues related to the international climate system and China's green and low-carbon transformation after 2020. We sincerely invite and look forward to your presence.We are committed to providing the best support for each participant to ensure that you can achieve your goals in the most professional, supportive and efficient way. We will also provide extensive cooperation to ensure that you get the latest information about all these new developments, regardless of your area of interest.

Time: January 9, 2020

Venue: University of International Business and Economics International Exchange Building

Address: No. 10, Huixin East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing

10% of the leaders of the State Council and the relevant administrative departments of various provinces and cities

Research institutions, experts 10%

Alliance members and partner institutions 40%

Ambassador Counsellor, international experts and foreign guests 20%

20% of invited guests

Meeting process:

Part 1:Registration

Part 2:VIP Speech Proposed Topics:

1. Carbon label climate change -2020 opportunities and challenges

2.Low carbon green development plan and policy prospect in the 14th five year plan

3. United Nations (Madrid) climate conference results interpretation

4. Application and systematic construction of international carbon label

5. Construction and application of industry carbon label standard system

6. Artificial intelligence and low carbon smart city

7. Blockchain technology and carbon emission management

Part 3:Co-construction project release:

1. Product classification carbon label standard working group release

2. Low carbon business school talent training co construction project release

3. Carbon label 10000 + store plan release

4. AAA-AAAAA Low carbon service company rating release

5. Other low-carbon online and offline projects

Part 4:Signing Ceremony & Awards Ceremony

1. The second batch of SME low carbon Industrialization Bases

2. Carbon label low carbon Pioneer Award Ceremony

Part 5:Close Door Meeting

1. The second working meeting of the first Council of China carbon label industry innovation alliance

2. The first meeting of the preparatory conference of the board of directors of low carbon business school

Part 6:Buffet Dinner

Guests to be invited

State Leaders

Guo Shuyan, Vice Chairman of the 10th NPC Financial and Economic Committee, Former Director of the Three Gorges Office of the State Council, and Chairman of the China Association for the Promotion of Low Carbon Economy

Li Zhaoxing, Former Chinese Foreign Minister

Jiang Minglin, Counsellor and former Deputy Director of the Counsellors' Office of the State Council of China

Fei Weiyang, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor of Tsinghua University, and Chairman of the First Council of China Association for the Promotion of Low Carbon Economy

Zhang Baoxin ,Former member of the Party group of the office of the Three Gorges Project Construction Committee of the State Council

Zhao Zhongxiu, President of China Carbon Label Industry Innovation Alliance and President of Shandong University of Finance and Economics

Jiang qingzhe Secretary of the Party committee of the University of foreign economic and trade

You Yong, Deputy Director of the Department of Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of MIIT

Shan Libo, Director of SME Development Promotion Center of MIIT

Jiang Zhaoli, Deputy Director of the Department of Climate Change Response at the Ministry  of Ecology and Environment

Yang Shangbao, Member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the people's Republic of China, deputy director of the energy, resources and Environment Commission, director of the comprehensive utilization division of the Department of environmental resources of the national development and Reform Commission

Huang Jianzhong, President of China Electronic Energy Saving Technology Association

Hao Xin, Deputy Director of Certification and Supervision Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation

Peng Jinxin, Member of Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, former Director of the Department of Policies and Regulations

Zhou Fengqi, Former director of Energy Institute of national development and Reform Commission, former executive vice president of China Low Carbon Economic Development Promotion Association

Wang Kun, Secretary-General of China Consumer Product Quality and Safety Promotion Association

Dong Xiucheng, Executive Director of the China Institut

Yu Jie, Secretary-General of National Low Carbon Certification Technical Committee and Director of China Quality Certification Center

Zhang Yue, President of Broad Group Miao Qing, Vice Chairman of Yingli Group

Gong Xun, director of global environmental standards at lenovo group Friedrich Stift, Austrian ambassador to China

Jens Hofmann, Technical counselor of the German embassy in China Devanand Ramiah, Deputy Country Director for UNDP China

Vanessa Pérez-Cirera, Global Deputy. Climate & Energy at World Wildlife Fund Kevin Rabinovitch, Global VP Sustainability at Mars

UNEP's Representative Office in China, and the Embassies of the UK, France, Fiji and Maldives









